Kelly Pasour Kelly Pasour

Understanding Social Media Algorithms: 6 Key Insights for Maximizing Your Reach

In a nut shell, social media algorithms are quietly working behind the scenes to determine what we see and when we see it. And while sometimes frustrating to keep up with, for businesses and content creators, understanding these algorithms is crucial for maximizing reach, engagement, and overall social media success. Here are six key insights to help you navigate and leverage social media algorithms effectively.

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Kelly Pasour Kelly Pasour

Top Mistakes Businesses Make When Creating Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels have quickly become a powerful tool for businesses looking to boost their online presence and connect with a wider audience. With the ability to create engaging, short-form videos, Reels offer a unique way to showcase products, share brand stories, and entertain followers. However, creating effective Reels requires more than just hitting the record button. Many businesses in Charlotte, NC, and beyond make common mistakes that can limit the impact of their Reels. In this post, we’ll explore the top mistakes businesses make when creating Instagram Reels and how to avoid them for maximum engagement and growth.

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Social Media Tips Kelly Pasour Social Media Tips Kelly Pasour

Quality vs. Quantity: Building a Strong Social Media Following

When it comes to social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game—chasing after more followers, likes, and shares. However, when it comes to building a meaningful and impactful social media presence, quality is far more important than quantity. Having a large number of followers may seem impressive, but if those followers aren’t engaged or interested in your content, they offer little value.

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Kelly Pasour Kelly Pasour

How To Establish a Strong Brand Identity on Social Media

Social media has become an essential platform for building and expressing your brand identity. From your logo and color palette to your brand's voice and values, every element contributes to how your audience perceives your brand. Visual branding, in particular, plays a crucial role in making your brand stand out in a crowded online landscape. Here’s a guide to help you establish a strong brand identity on social media, with a heavy emphasis on visual branding.

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